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Original Third Reich DRL Silver Sports Patch Dated 1944
Original Third Reich DRL Silver Sports Patch Dated 1944 - Image 1 of 0
Original Third Reich DRL Silver Sports Patch Dated 1944 - Image 2 of 0
Original Third Reich DRL Silver Sports Patch Dated 1944 - Image 1 of 0
Original Third Reich DRL Silver Sports Patch Dated 1944 - Image 2 of 0
Original Third Reich DRL Silver Sports Patch Dated 1944 - Image 1 of 0
Original Third Reich DRL Silver Sports Patch Dated 1944 - Image 2 of 0

Original Third Reich DRL Silver Sports Patch Dated 1944

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Product Code: ORDRLPTCH1
Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days


Original Third Reich DRL Silver Sports Patch Dated 1944- This cloth iteration of the prestigious DRL (Deutscher Reichsbund für Leibesübungen) Silver Sports Patch, intended for attachment to athletic uniforms, features a finely machine-woven design. Adorned in silver-colored threads against a black rayon base, the emblem depicts an eagle in flight, its wings gracefully swept downwards, bearing a striking black mobile swastika upon its breast, accentuated by the notable date "1944". Encircling the eagle is a meticulously crafted silver-colored wreath, measuring 70mm in diameter. Preserved in excellent condition, this patch stands as a testament to the athletic achievements and historical significance of its era.


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