Original German WWII Iron Cross 2nd Class Marked 122 By Jean-Jacques Stahl- This 122 Marked Iron Cross 2nd Class is a very attractive, desirable and interesting award. It’s maker marked on the suspension ring with the Präsidialkanzlei code “122” indicating manufacture by the firm of Jean-Jacques Stahl of Straßburg. This maker and was one of only two Iron Cross manufacturers that were not German, but located in a French province. The core is a pattern supplied by Steinhauer und Lück, which is correct for this maker. About 95% of the matte black core paint is intact on both sides, with some very minor rust. The frame has a great look with age toning and patina, and zero wear to the beading. This cross comes with a mint original ribbon, which is in excellent condition. This Iron Cross by this maker is a rarer one to find. The very good to excellent condition.