Original/Refurbished M34 Medium DutySicherheitsdienst (SD) Double Decal Helmet- We received this helmet in a batchof helmet shells and decided to make it the Sicherheitsdienst (SD) Double DecalHelmet. Painted Apple Green with reproduction SS Pocher & Partydecals.The helmet is a size 64 and the liner was custom made for usand is identical to the original liner type and chinstrap. Can fit a size 56 or 57. The pins are reproduction. Nicely marked "DELSTAHL" on the inside rim.
Historical Note:The M34 Helmet was made specifically as acompetitive bid to the Model 1935 (M35) helmet and were initially intended forcombat use by the Heer, Luftwaffe and SS.When the bid was lost to the M35 design, the M34 had already beenproduced in great numbers. Many were procured by the SS-VT because of theirdecent quality (the SS was not a branch of the Wehrmacht until later, and hadreduced access to supplies, recruitment and training in the early years).Later, as the SS procured the more desired M35s, they put these M34s toward thegrowing Police and SD organizations, which used them throughout the remainderof the Third Reich period.